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Nanovex Biotech

[Nanovex Biotech] Carbon dots

by 휴바이오랩(Hubiolab) 2021. 5. 17.

[Nanovex Biotech] Carbon dots


Fluorescent nanoparticles have attracted the attention of many researchers over the last few years owing to their use in bioimaging and sensing applications. One of the most interesting materials is carbon dots.

Nanovex Carbon Dots show excellent luminescent properties, and there are a suitable alternative to conventional fluorescence nanoparticles.

Moreover, Nanovex Carbon Dots are available dispersed in water, which is also an additional advantage since the transfer from an organic to an aqueous media is not necessary. Furthermore, these fluorescent nanoparticles are obtained employing as raw material several biocompatible compounds.

Nanovex Carbon Dots are a proper luminiscence nanomaterial in order to obtain fluorescence labelled biomolecules.

Fluorescence Carbon Dots Features:

  • CQDots fluorescence maximum emission ~ 450 nm.
  • Highly photostability (resistance to photobleaching).
  • Bright fluorescence, Quantum Yield values > 0.4.
  • Ideal candidates for labelling and tracking purposes.
  • Nanoparticle size similar to usual proteins.
  • Carbon Quantum Dots can be visualized using standard filters for DAPI.

(A) Carbon dots absorption and emission spectra, (B) photostability

(A) Transmission electron microscopy, (B) size distribution by Dynamic Light Scattering


Nanovex Carbon Dots show excellent chemical stability, good biocompatibility and low toxicity. Their high resistance to photobleaching turns Nanovex Carbon Dots into a promising fluorescence label in applications areas such as bioimaging or sensors.



Quantum Yield: >40%

Diameter Range: < 10 nm

Volume: 1 ml.

Solvent: Supplied in ultrapure water.

Nanovex Biotechnologies guarantee the quality of the supplied nanoparticles providing its customers details information of each batch.